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Webflow Website - Diego Quiros (B2C Psychologist)

Webflow Homepage Lander - Diego Quiros (B2C)
Heading 6

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Heading 6

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Heading 6

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Project description

Site done from scratch using Relume, Webflow and Finsweet Client-First ApproachI ensured pixel-perfect accuracy and improved the copy to show all the value the client is getting by choosing this professional.The website was specially optimized in the Above the fold section, showing the the main benefits that make us different and also the WhatsApp button for the people to connect us easily

Skills and deliverables

- Webflow

- Figma to Webflow Plugin


- CSS 3

- JavaScript

¿Quieres los mejores resultados para tu empresa?

Deja de ignorar tu sitio web y de perder clientes en cada campaña. Trabaja con un especialista y amplia tu negocio en internet

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