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Webflow Website - Fernangas (B2C Bolier Company)

Imagen sobre la web de fernangas, página de Instalador de Gas Autorizado en Madrid
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“Thanks to Victor I get 3-4 more clients per week and he allows me to work with whomever I want.”
Sergio Fernández, owner @ Fernangas

Project Objective‍

In this project our goal was to create a website that would demonstrate the quality of the service offered by Fernangas online. The website was optimized for both computer and mobile and we focused on obtaining customers and ratifying the seriousness of the company (being a company that fixes gas leaks, it must be authorized by the corresponding Autonomous Community and the Ministry of Industry.)‍

What did we do for the client?‍

In addition to making a custom website, we focused on how to get customers and make it easy for them to contact us. Being a local company, we prioritize positioning in Google Maps and the contact that the client will have will be through mobile or WhatsApp.‍


From the creation of the website, our client confirmed that he receives around 3-4 private clients every week who call him because they have seen him online. This allows him to have a much larger client portfolio and be able to optimize clients (choose who he works with), as well as getting more urgent jobs (and therefore paying more money)‍.

¿Quieres los mejores resultados para tu empresa?

Deja de ignorar tu sitio web y de perder clientes en cada campaña. Trabaja con un especialista y amplia tu negocio en internet

Contáctanos sin compromiso